Ahle, Emma Emilie, - Birth 1861, (1)
Altenbuerg, Albert Hermann Robert Alexander, - Birth 1850, (1)
Arendt, Johann Friedrich Ferdinand, - Birth 1846, (1)
Baehring, Marie Luise Regine Christine Wilhelmine, - Birth 1850 (1)
Bagemihl, Elise Auguste Therese, - Birth 1856, (1)
Bahr, Carl Ludwig Albert, - Birth 1859, (1)
Bartels, Marie Wilhelmine Emma, - Birth 1859 (1)
Bathke, Henriette Emilie, - Birth 1844 (1)
Behncke, Therese Marie Caroline, - Birth 1855 (1)
Behrndt, Maria Louise Charlotte, - Birth 1851, (1)
Benekendorf, Johann Paul, - Birth 1843 (1)
Berg, Christian Friedrich, - Birth 1849, (1)
Berndt, Gustav Ferdinand Friedrich, - Birth 1847, (1)
Berndt, Maria Amalie Elwine, - Birth 1851 (1)
Bertram, Anna Louise Wilhelmine, - Birth 1849, (1)
Binke, Carl Gustav Emil, - Birth 1849, (1)
Boemly, Caroline Antonie, - Birth 1855, (1)
Boerner, Auguste Louise Wilhelmine, - Birth 1855, (1)
Boettcher, Hermann Gustav Adolph, - Birth 1847, (1)
Boetzow, Anna Louise Caroline, - Birth 1856 (1)
Bohn, Heinrich Julius August, - Birth 1854 (1)
Borchard, Emilie Caroline Friederike, - Birth 1858, (1)
Bottcke, Anna Maria, - Birth 1831, (1)
Bottke, Maria Wilhelmine Friederike, - Birth 1856, (1)
Bressel, Julius Wilhelm Adolf, - Birth 1846
Bressler, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1839
Brinckmann, Julius Christian Ferdinand,- Birth 1843, (1)
Broeker, Wilhelm August Friedrich, - Birth 1853 (1)
Burvitz, Wilhelm Christian Ulrich, - Birth 1817 (1)
Calliess, Hanna Caroline Emilie, - Birth 1852, (1)
Christen, Sophie Louise Marie, - Birth 1851, (1)
Czeskleba, Henriette,- Birth 1846, (1)
Dantzer, Clara Marie Anna, - Birth 1856, (1)
Diechow, Carl Ludwig Theodor, - Birth 1851
Diemer, Caroline Wilhelmine, - Birth 1856, (1)
Dinse, Ernestine Wilhelmine Friederike, - Birth 1843, (1)
Doege, August Wilhelm, - Birth 1844, (1)
Drews, Wilhelm Friedrich, - Birth 1850, (1)
Duwe, Anna Marie Auguste, - Birth 1851 (1)
Ebenau, Anna Maria Caroline, - Birth 1854, (1)
Ehlert, Carl August Hermann, - Birth 1852, (1)
Eisch, Anna Emilie, - Birth 1855 (1)
Enge, Hermann Christlieb, - Birth 1853 (1)
Ernst, Ottilie Henriette, - Birth 1830 (1)
Espenschild, Albert Oskar, - Birth 1852, (1)
Faust, Anna Emilie Luise, - Birth 1852, (1)
Fischer, Heinrich Carl Wilhelm, - Birth 1850, (1)
Fischer, Wilhelmine Henriette, - Birth 1852, (1)
Footh, Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann, - Birth 1847 (1)
Fraenkel, Olga, - Birth 1855, (1)
Franz,Julius Ferdinand, - Birth 1843, (1)
Freiberg, Wilhelm Hermann, - Birth 1854, (1)
Freishmidt, Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1848, (1)
Freudenthal, Albert Ferdinand Gustav, - Birth 1853 (1)
Fricke, Emill Franz Carl, - Birth 1852, (1)
Fritsche, Clara, - Birth 1852, (1)
Fritz, Auguste, Albertine, - Birth 1851, (1)
Fritz, Carl Friedrich Ferdinand, - Birth 1854, (1)
Funk, Eugen Felix Richard, - Birth 1846, (1)
Gaede, Hilda Sophie Christiane, - Birth 1854, (1)
Gehrke, Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1853 (1)
Giese, August Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1852
Giese, Minna Maria Elise, - Birth 1856, (1)
Gill, Therese Emilie Charlotte, - Birth 1855 (1)
Gillischewski, Gustav Adalbert Richard, - Birth 1854, (1)
Gloege, Elise Mathilde Rosalie, - Birth 1854, (1)
Goernett, Carl Friedrich August, - Birth 1851, (1)
Gollin, Marie Auguste Albertine Wilhelmine Julianne, - Birth 1847, (1)
Grawitz, Georg Adolph, - Birth 1849 (1)
Grobfeldt, Agnes Erdeline, - Birth 1858 (1)
Grosskopf, Auguste Albertine Wilhelmine, - Birth 1851, (1)
Gruendemann, August Johann Gotthilf, - Birth 1850 (1)
Haack, Emilie Auguste Luise, - Birth 1853 (1)
Haase,Auguste Friederike Christiane, - Birth 1854, (1)
Hagedorn (widow Schultz), Henriette Wilhelmine, - Birth 1829
Hagemann, August Martin Carl, - Birth 1852, (1)
Harsdorf, Wilhelmine Friederike, - Birth 1851
Hase, Louise Wilhelmine Friederike, - Birth 1853, (1)
Hayn, Louise Charlotte Therese, - Birth 1847 (1)
Hecht, August Ferdinand Emil, - Birth 1854, (1)
Heinrich, Emma Clara Sophie, - Birth 1853, (1)
Heinz, Marie Friederike Ernestine, - Birth 1852 (1)
Henesel, Carl August, - Birth 1855 (1)
Hering, Marie Margarethe Helene, - Birth 1852, (1)
Hernicke, Bertha Therese Louise, - Birth 1850, (1)
Hernke, Bertha Therese Louise, - Birth 1850, (1)
Hoernke, Bertha Therese Louise, - Birth 1850, (1)
Hoffmann, Johann Heinrich Christoph, - Birth 1852, (1)
Holtz, Marie Johanne Wilhelmine, - Birth 1846, (1)
Holzenberg, Mathilda Wilhelmine Luise, - Birth 1853, (1)
Homuth, Carl Gustav, - Birth 1855, (1)
Honert, Johannes Christian Martin, - Birth 1854, (1)
Huebner, Johann Hermann, - Birth 1849
Jacob, Catharina FriederikeChristine, - Birth 1852, (1)
Jacoby, Nathan, - Birth 1846, (1)
Jaenisch, Anna Marie Johanne, - Birth 1854, (1)
Jahr, Moritz Oswald, - Birth 1855
Jonas, Ottilie Bertha Olga, - Birth 1856
Jurgait, Christoph Julius, - Birth 1845, (1)
Kaecker, Louise Betty, - Birth 1850, (1)
Kaeding, Luise Friederike Wilhelmine, - Birth 1851 (1)
Kaeming, Herman Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1833, (1)
Kanitz, August Wilhelm Ludwig, - Birth 1852, (1)
Kantrowitsch, Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst, - Birth 1839, (1)
Klatt, Hermann Carl Julius, - Birth 1854 (1)
Klein, Carl Ludwig Ferdinand, - Birth 1833, (1)
Kluth, Auguste Mathilde Louise, - Birth 1857, (1)
Knack (Teetz), Caroline Ernestine, - Birth 1835, (1)
Knuth, Wilhelmine Marie Luise, - Birth 1855 (1)
Koehn, Carl Friedrich August, - Birth 1851, (1)
Koehn, Friederike Wilhelmine, - Birth 1855, (1)
Koepke, Ernestine Friederike, - Birth 1849, (1)
Koeppen, Hermann Julius Eduard, - Birth 1849 (1)
Koplin (widow), Louise Charlotte Therese, - Birth 1847 (1)
Kornstadt,Ernst Carl, - Birth 1840, (1)
Kratz, Maria Luise, - Birth 1846, (1)
Krause, Bernhard August Karl, - Birth 1852
Kriedemann, August Carl Wilhelm,- Birth 1849, (1)
Krieger, Johann Daniel Paul, - Birth 1850
Krueger, August Friedrich Wihelm, - Birth 1850, (1)
Krueger, Bertha Auguste Caroline, - Birth 1846 (1)
Krueger, Johannes August Christian, - Birth 1854 (1)
Kruse, Albert Johann Friedrich, - Birth 1852, (1)
Kruse, Johann Heinrich Carl, - Birth 1849, (1)
Kummer, Anna Friederike Elise, - Birth 1850, (1)
Laubickler, Emil Hellmuth, - Birth 1855, (1)
Lauritzen, Oskar August Sophus, - Birth 1848, (1)
Lenius, Johanne Juliane, - Birth 1849 (1)
Leo, Otto, Robert Max, - Birth 1850, (1)
Lewek, Marie Luise Amalie, - Birth 1840 (1)
Lietz, Caroline Charlotte, - Birth 1847, (1)
Lindemann, Anna Amalie Marie, - Birth 1852, (1)
Lindenblatt, Georg, - Birth 1848, (1)
Lipinski, Paul Georg, - Birth 1851, (1)
Lippe, Ida Auguste Wilhelmine Emilie, - Birth 1852 (1)
List, Hedwig Minna Maria, - Birth 1848, (1)
Luebeck, Helene Clara Anna, - Birth 1854, (1)
Lueck, Johanne Auguste, - Birth 1855, (1)
Luedtke, Albertine Friederike Caroline, - Birth 1849, (1)
Lull, Carl Edward, - Birth 1849, (1)
Lunow, Marie, - Birth 1849, (1)
Madai von, Hans Cuno, - Birth 1852, (1)
Maerkel, Albert Karl, - Birth 1852, (1)
Mahrsand, Ludwig August Magnus, - Birth 1849, (1)
Malchow, Auguste Wilhelmine Luise, - Birth 1853, (1)
Mandel, August Ferdinand, - Birth 1851, (1)
Markhof, Johanna Marie Sophie, - Birth 1845, (1)
Maske,Emilie Auguste Louise,- Birth 1857, (1)
Maskow, Wilhelm Friedrich Carl Ferdinand, - Birth 1850 (1)
Matthias, Louis Gustav Adolf, - Birth 1847, (1)
Mau, Emma Emilie Anna, - Birth 1851 (1)
Megow, Emma Emilie Anna, - Birth 1851 (1)
Melms, Marie Louise Amalie, - Birth 1852, (1)
Mieckow, Alwine Wilhelmine Luise, - Birth 1854 (1)
Mietzner, Christian Friedrich, - Birth 1836, (1)
Miklei, Anna Caroline Franziska, - Birth 1849, (1)
Moeller, Hugo Johannes Leopold August, - Birth 1851, (1)
Moeller, Ida Marie Emilie, - Birth 1855, (1)
Mueller, Carl Wilhelm August, - Birth 1853(1)
Mueller, Malwine Marie Johanne, - Birth 1855 (1)
Netzel, Johanna Louise, - Birth 1844, (1)
Neubert, Ottilie Henriette (widow), - Birth 1830 (1)
Neujahr, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, - Birth 1851 (1)
Neumann, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1826, (1)
Niedenfuehr, Wilhelm August Franz, - Birth 1853 (1)
Nimz, Rudolf Johann, - Birth 1849, (1)
Ostrowsky, Caroline Auguste Charlotte, - Birth 1846, (1)
Paeglow, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1851, (1)
Paeske, Wilhelmine Charlotte Helene, - Birth 1854, (1)
Pagel, Louise Charlotte Friederike, - Birth 1845 (1)
Pahnke, Wilhelm Friedrich Albert, - Birth 1846, (1)
Passow, Ida Maria Caroline, - Birth 1853 (1)
Petratz,Auguste Franziska Rosalie, - Birth 1859, (1)
Pollack, Bertha Auguste, - Birth 1859, (1)
Polzenhagen, Bernhard Emil Wilhelm, - Birth 1847 (1)
Prange, Heinrich Igenas Friedrich, - Birth 1847 (1)
Raatz, Martha Clara Helene, - Birth 1858, (1)
Raether, Hellmuth Carl Friedrich, - Birth 1847, (1)
Rahdes, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1850, (1)
Rahmlow, Johannes Carl August, - Birth 1852, (1)
Rambow, Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1852 (1)
Ramin von, Regina Eleonore Olga, - Birth 1858, (1)
Raminsky, Henriette Marie, - Birth 1857, (1)
Ramm, Anna Therese Auguste, - Birth 1849 (1)
Reefschlager, Anna Maria Louise, - Birth 1852, (1)
Reetz, Elise Auguste Wilhelmine, - Birth 1853, (1)
Reincke, Johann Carl August, - Birth 1852, (1)
Riebe, August Franz Wilhelm, - Birth 1856, (1)
Riebow, Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann, - Birth 1853 (1)
Riesberg, Johann Joachim Philipp, - Birth 1833 (1)
Rietzke, Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst, - Birth 1851, (1)
Risop, Friederike Auguste Luise, - Birth 1843, (1)
Ronowicz, Franz, - Birth 1851, (1)
Rose, Ferdinand, (1)
Rosenkranz, Friedrich Adolf Hermann, - Birth 1850, (1)
Rottswahl, Bertha Auguste Caroline, - Birth 1844 (1)
Rueckforth, Hedwig Emilie Rosalie, - Birth 1856, (1)
Schalau, Hermann Friedrich Theodor, - Birth 1854 (1)
Scharping, Hermann Julius Robert, - Birth 1852 (1)
Scheel, Emma Marie Veronica, - Birth 1859, (1)
Schickert, Gustav Adolf Emil, - Birth 1849, (1)
Schickert, Marie Louise Bertha, - Birth 1856, (1)
Schilbach (Casutt), Emilie Amalie, - Birth 1842, (1)
Schild, Carl Paul Heinrich, - Birth 1849, (1)
Schmolling, Gustav Ernst,- Birth 1845, (1)
Schoenbeck (Daenhoff), Auguste Wilhelmine Caroline, - Birth 1834, (1)
Schroeder, Albert Wilhelm Julius, - Birth 1847, (1)
Schuenemann, Johann Heinrich Albert, - Birth 1847, (1)
Schuenke, Christian Friedrich, - Birth 1844, (1)
Schultz, Anna Marie, - Birth 1850, (1)
Schultz, Louise Therese Marie, - Birth 1859, (1)
Schulz, Wilhelmine Friederike Johanna, - Birth 1854, (1)
Schwuchow, Friederike Wilhelmine Marie, - Birth 1849, (1)
Seehase, Edvard Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1849, (1)
Sellin, Alolf Carl Georg, - Birth 1848, (1)
Severin, Johanna Louise Frederike Charlotte, - Birth 1844, (1)
Spoth, August Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1847, (1)
Staats, Hulda Henriette Albertine, - Birth 1849 (1)
Stapel, Marie Wilhelmine, - Birth 1842, (1)
Sterckel, Albert Adolf Gustav, - Birth 1839, (1)
Stof, August Julius Hermann, - Birth 1852, (1)
Stolpe, Olga Martha Franziska, - Birth 1852, (1)
Stoltenburg, Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Hermann, - Birth 1849, (1)
Stuepfer, Clara Auguste Marie, - Birth 1851, (1)
Suemnicht, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1850, (1)
Sydow, Carl August Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1853 (1)
Teetz, Christian Ferdinand, - Birth 1850, (1)
Tesch, Ferdinand, (1)
Thies, Emilie Ernestine Friederike Caroline, - Birth 1855, (1)
Thoms, Anna Henriette Albertne,- Birth 1854, (1)
Tiede, Christiane Emilie Auguste, - Birth 1852, (1)
Veit, Auguste Emilie Wilhelmine, - Birth 1857, (1)
Venzeke, Auguste Wilhelmine, - Birth 1849, (1)
Volkmann, Heinrich Julius Joachim, - Birth 1854, (1)
Vollbrecht, Bernhard Heinrich Adolph, - Birth 1855, (1)
Wagner, Robert Friedrich Wilhelm, - Birth 1852, (1)
Waldheim, Hugo, - Birth 1849, (1)
Walter, Friedrich Wilhelm Albert, - Birth 1854, (1)
Wegener, Therese Friederike Emma, - Birth 1860 (1)
Wegner, Wilhelmine Auguste Marie,- Birth 1851, (1)
Weichert, Marie Caroline Henriette, - Birth 1857, (1)
Weisse, Josepha, - Birth 1847, (1)
Wendel, Marie Louise, - Birth 1853 (1)
Wendt, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, - Birth 1852, (1)
Werner, Auguste Henriette, - Birth 1849, (1)
Wesenberg, Christian Friedrich, - Birth 1835
Westphal, Johann Friedrich Heinrich, - Birth 1846 (1)
Wewezer, Emma Emilie Alwine, - Birth 1851, (1)
Wilde, August Ferdinand Friedrich, - Birth 1850, (1)
Winkelmann, Auguste Marie Wilhelmine, - Birth 1846 (1)
Winter, Emil Franz Gustav, - Birth 1853, (1)
Witte, Julius Hermann Gottlieb, - Birth 1852, (1)
Wodtke, Hermann Wilhelm Eduard, - Birth 1840
Wust, Albertine Wilhelmine Auguste, - Birth 1854, (1)
Zacharias, Gottlieb, - Birth 1848, (1)
Zachrysh, Gottlieb, - Birth 1848, (1)
Zander, Alwine Marie Franziska, - Birth 1852 (1)
Zblenski, Jacob Ignatz, - Birth 1851, (1)
Zimmermann, Hilda Minna Amalie, - Birth 1853, (1)
Zimmermann, Johannes Carl Theodor, - Birth 1845, (1)
Zinck, Lena Ida Helene, - Birth 1858 (1)
Zuege, Auguste Mathilde Sidonie, - Birth 1853, (1)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
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Hello Lara,
ReplyDeletethank you so much for posting these names! Nathan Jacoby may be my great-great-grandfather. Do you, by any chance, have any more information on these people or an idea how to get it?
Many thanks and warmest regards,
Nathan Jacoby was born 2 May 1846 in Konitz. He was the son of the merchant Seelig Jacoby and his wife Rebecka Arendt. He married Olga Fraenkel who was the daughter of Leiser Leopold Fraenkel and his wife Anna Caspari.
DeleteHello Lara,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much about this wonderfull job.
I'm looking for details about a Caroline Julie Frederique DANTZER born around 1805. She was my husband grand grand grand grand mother.
Could you help me to find anything about her ?
Tank you very much indeed,
Hi, Lara:
ReplyDeleteWhat a legacy you have. I am looking for information about my great grandparents, etc.
My grandfather was born Gerhard Albrecht in Stettin, February, 1905. His parents were Wilhelm Albrecht and Hedwig (Grewe?). Wilhelm died in before 1917 after an accident at work. Hot oil spilled on his leg. Gangrene set in, but he refused amputation. Hedwig also died before 1917 of cancer. My grandfather also had an older sister Hertha. With both parents deceased, my grandfather and aunt lived with their grandparents. My grandfather eventually took work on a merchant marine ship, Karlsruhe, and entered the US illegally in February 1929.
My grandfather also spoke of his Albrecht uncles: Emil, August, and Gustav.
Any information you could provide about any of the above would be greatly appreciated.
Herbert Richard Gerhard Albrecht was born 26 February 1905 in Stettin. He was the son of Wilhelm Albrecht and Hedwig Grewe. Wilhelm was a "Schlosser" by occupation.
DeleteMargaretha Herta Elizabeth Albrecht was born in Stettin 28 August 1902. She was also married in Stettin (Standesamt III No. 350 in 1928).
DeleteWilhelm Albrecht died 17 November 1912 in Stettin. He was born in Bahn Kr. Greifenhagen the son of August Albrecht and Wilhelmine Butz of Warsow.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information on the following:
Raatz, Martha Clara Helene, - Birth 1858, (1)
She is possibly my great-great-grant aunt.
Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information on the following:
Raatz, Martha Clara Helene, - Birth 1858, (1)
It is possible she was my great-great-great aunt.
Hello, Lara!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful list of names you post! Do you have more information on Wilhelmine Marie Luise Knuth, born in 1855? Do you know where I can go in Stettin to get this kind of information? Or on the web? Thank you :)
Wilhelmine Marie Luise Knuth was born 11 Sept 1855 in Stettin. She was the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Knuth and Auguste Marie Schramm. She married Carl Ludwig Dieckow in Stettin on 10 November 1877.
DeleteMy e - mail:
Facebook : Ricardo Giese
August Friedrich Wilhelm Giese was born 13 May 1852 in Pasewalk. He was the son of August Friedrich Wilhelm Giese and his wife Charlotte Wilhelmine Caroline Friederike Kraegenbrink, both parents were residing in Loecknitz.
DeleteHe married 8 November 1877 in Stettin to Louise Charlotte Friederike Pagel, born 9 February 1845 in Stettin. Louise was the daughter of deceased Wilhelm Gottlieb Pagel and Marie Sophie Hempel of Stettin.
Heinrich Julius Joachim Volkmann was born 8 September 1854 in Moekow Kreis Greifswald. He was the son of Carl Friedrich Volkmann in Berlin and his now deceased wife Johanne Charlotte Lembke. He married Minna Maria Elise Giese on 29 October 1877. Minna was born 19 April 1856 in Stettin. She was the daughter of Carl Ludwig August Giese and his now deceased wife Johanne Sophie Wilhelmine Schaefer.